lifestyle. legacy.

About Us

We help you grow wealth through property.  Wealth means generating cash flow both via passive income and lump sum property deals in order to move you towards financial freedom. Wealth is also about a balanced life, being generous, helping others and living your dream lifestyle.  

The Property Lifestyle exists to help those frustrated with their corporate job, lack of results or struggle to gain independence. Property surrounds us and it our biggest investment (or cost).  Our signature Property Quadrant formula unlocks the secrets to graining wealth through property in a fraction of the time it takes in the corporate world.

Property Quadrants is the result of years of trial and error, going property the hard way. Nichole shares all her secrets, mistakes and formulas to shortcut your pathway to success.  Having lost millions in 2008 she had to claw her way back up to making her first million for the second time.  The Property Lifestyle systems are built around that success formula.  Alerting you to the pitfalls, exposing financial myths and creating the process to work the property system. 

True wealth allows you to life your ultimate lifestyle spending your limited time here with the people you choose, where you choose, when you choose,  how you choose and helping those you choose to accept your help to do the same.  

Meet Our Team

Nichole Lewis  - CEO

Senka Radonich - Operations
Don Stratton Jr - Head of Sales 

Eilish Emery - Social Media
Kelvin Lewis - Filming
Zane Corriher - Head Coach
Nat Tolhopf - Accountability

Dee Hutchinson - Success Coach
Maddie Davis - Property Staging
Jade Samuels - Wealth Building
George Fraser - IT Support 

The Property Quadrants formula for passive property income is the key to financial freedom.  The secrets that 'gurus' don't share is that you can use property in a multitude of ways to get you to that passive income.   Our mission is to help you achieve results in 10 years or less regardless of your age, income or experience in property instead of 40 years working to achieve less.
IR Cluster Properties Purchased
Monthly Passive Income
10 Year Capital Gain

Our Tribe

Property Lifestyle is about creating FREEDOM.
We are ready to help you take the action right for you to achieve results.

But, we only work with motivated, committed and driven people who want results.
If you're conservative or risk adverse, that's good, we believe in taking one step at a time.
There is no shortcut to wealth, just a solid formula we share to show you how to work the system.

Wealth is not just about money. Money is the gateway to freedom. 
Freedom is the gateway to a life driven by purpose.
Purpose opens the floodgates to the flow of passion driving us towards the greater good.

“How To Be Financially Free In 10 Years Or Less Regardless Of Your Age, Income, Or Experience!”

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